The Social Action Accelerator Programme (SAAP) by The Diana Award Mentoring Programme aims at building skills and nurture ambition with young students at risk of becoming NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training). With the support of professional mentors, selected students bring to life projects they imagined and conceived with one goal in mind: make a social impact within their community.
Keira, 16, a Space Studio West London student, imagined the Gifts for Kids Project.
We found this project incredibly moving, and through our Triland 50 Acts of Kindness initiative, we were suited to play a role in supporting Keira.
Through this project, Keira plans to distribute care packages to kids hospitalised at the Great Ormond Street Hospital and disadvantaged children from the London South West community, providing them comfort and leaving them with a lasting sentiment that they are never alone.
Working with SAAP mentors, we are helping fund, organise and support Keira’s project. Currently, we have funded and delivered creative care packages including colouring kits, and learning and development packages including children’s books.